The famous relationship between bees and mankind is 40,000 years old. To this day, the consumption of honey is essential for its virtues on the body. Thus, it is known for its healing effect on any wound. How does it work? How to apply it on a wound?


It is a sweet liquid made by bees from flower nectar. Honey is a lipid substance composed of 80% carbohydrates, especially fructose and glucose. The latter are known to be easily absorbed by the human body. Honey has a yellow or golden texture. As a result, it has a liquid or crystalline form depending on the amount of fructose contained. Beekeeping presents diverse honey depending on their origin. On the one hand, there is mono-floral honey, also called raw honey, which comes from a single variant of flowers. Its flavors are particular, evoking that of their original flower. There are acacia honey, lavender honey, chestnut honey, eucalyptus honey and heather honey. On the other hand, the polyfloral honeys or mountain honeys group together all the flowers of the meadows, with varied flavours. Its texture can be brown or whitish depending on the intensity of its composition.


The therapeutic qualities of honey are numerous, including the rapid healing of a wound. In fact, a wound heals twice as much by applying healing honey as by using other medical products. Thus, honey quickly regenerates the skin by resorbing the marks of lesions on the epidermis. Its effect is evenly applied to different wounds: acute or chronic wounds, chapped skin during breastfeeding, bedsores and cracks. Among other things, its antibacterial power also helps to reduce microbial infections. Moreover, the regeneration of the epidermis is done from the mineral components of healing honey.


Before applying honey, the wound should first be rinsed with saline or water. Then a thin layer of honey should be applied with a wooden spatula. The application should be uniform, covering the entire wound. Then seal the dressing with a dry compress. The ideal is to reapply this every day if the wound oozes. Subsequently, depending on the evolution of the wound, it is possible to space it out one day until it heals completely. Generally, all honeys are antibacterial and are also prescribed in the therapeutic environment